What We Do


About Us

Praude Asset Management Limited (“PAM”) was established in December 2009 as a limited liability company. In January 2010 the company was granted a Category II Licence by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), authorizing PAM to provide investment services to professional clients.

PAM qualifies as a ‘UCITS Management Company’ and an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). PAM is also authorised to provide certain ancillary services under our licence including investments advice.

In April 2010 PAM took over the portfolio management of Hermes Linder Fund SICAV plc (a UCITS fund licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority) and in June 2010 PAM began providing advisory services to Axion Swiss Bank S.A, the investment manager of Acelum Value Fund SICAV, which was a collective investment scheme domiciled in Luxembourg. In April 2015 Acelum Value Fund SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS fund was merged into Hermes Linder Fund SICAV plc. In 2020 Hermes Linder Fund was redomiciled out of Malta and into Luxembourg.

Since it was first incorporated, PAM has averaged a steady growth on the funds it manages every year. PAM is the promoter of all the Funds it manages.